Saturday, June 27, 2015

No Hay Problema, Amigos

We have a problem;  does opposite particles flow in the opposite direction, if they can even exist in the same conductor?

Positive current is thought to flow in the opposite direction to electron flow in a electric conductor.  This positive current cannot be a flow of free protons!  Such a flow of positive charges is admissible only conceptually.

We do not have a problem after all.

Then we have this,

The same magnetic coil does not drive the particles of different polarity apart, or do they?  In this case the particles are not in circular motion, they behave as packets of energies in the \(t_T\) time dimension with characteristic of that time dimension, ie temperature particles.  And would separate in a \(B\) field generated by the coil.

When the particles are in circular motion along a conductor coil, their oscillating components are aligned along the long axis of the coil and interacts strongly with external forces of a similar nature.   If the aligned oscillating components have energy along the \(t_c\) time dimension, they behave like positive charges.