Sunday, June 28, 2015

Period Table Dux

What if the periodic table is wrong?

We have assumed that all elements are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons.

What if all particles, charge, temperature and gravity particles, are involved in building up the elements?

And there is a systematic way to go about it.

We will start with the temperature particle pair, \((T^{-},\,T^{+})\); a hydrogen nucleus of some sort.  There is then \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\), also some sort of hydrogen nucleus and \((e^{-},\,p^{+})\), the hydrogen.

There are three types of hydrogen, protium, deuterium and tritium.  Besides tabled parameters such as Nuclear Spin, Magnetic Moments, Nuclear Quadrupole Moment, radioactiveness, and mass, high thermal conductivity of natural hydrogen (protium) and helium are noted.  It is also noted that only deuterium has a non zero Nuclear Quadrupole Moment and a Nuclear Spin of one.

Even as this blog is filled with bold speculations this warning is due; the rest of this post is FICTION!

Strictly speaking, only \(p^{+}\) contribute to the atomic number.   But both \(g^{-}\) and \(T^{+}\) have energy oscillating along \(t_c\), in the presence of a respective opposite particle, the spin of the particle is restrained and the vector along \(t_c\) points predominantly in one direction.  So, the pairs, \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) and \((T^{-},\,T^{+})\) acquire a positive electric potential and behave like a positive charge, the proton, but oscillating.

So,  \(p^{+}\), \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) and \((T^{-},\,T^{+})\) all contribute to the atomic number.

All particles contribute to the non integer mass number, ie they all contribute mass.  \(p^{+}\), \(g^{-}\) and \(T^{+}\) contribute to the integer mass number; these particles has positive electric potentials.  (From the post "Less Mass But No Theoretical Mass" date 23 Nov 2014.  Positive particle have more mass.)

A half spin is due to the oscillating energy along \(t_c\) of the wave/particle from which even mass number has integer spin and odd mass number has half spin.

In view of their high thermal conductivity as gases, the normal hydrogen, protium is \((e^{-},\,T^{-},\,T^{+})\) besides \((e^{-},\,p^{+})\).  The particle \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\) will be radioactive.

Helium is

\((2e^{-},\,p^{+},T^{-},\,T^{+},\,g^{-},\,g^{-})\) or

\((2e^{-},\,2T^{-},\,2T^{+},\,g^{-},\,g^{-})\) or

\((2e^{-},\,2p^{+},\,g^{-},\,g^{-})\) .

The first is less likely because, then it is possible for \(He^{+}\) to be


whereas in reality \(He\) is very stable, a noble gas.

\((2e^{-},\,2p^{+},\,g^{-},\,g^{-})\) will not be very conductive of heat, although


is possible even when the negative gravitational potential that holds the nucleus together is small.

Deuterium is \((e^{-},\,p^{+},\,T^{+})\) for integer spin.  But \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+},\,T^{+})\) will be radioactive. And \((e^{-},\,T^{-},\,T^{+},\,T^{+})^{+}\) heat conductive.

Radioactive tritium is \((e^{-},\,(g^{-},\,g^{+}),\,(e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+}),\,g^{-})\)  where the pair \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) serves as a proton and the three \(g^{-}\)s contribute to the mass number.

The particle within tritium, \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\), a hydrogen, behave like a neutron in the nucleus.  It is radioactive and can decay by ejecting the pair \(e^{-}\) and \(g^{+}\) and retaining \(g^{-}\) or, by retaining \(e^{-}\) and ejecting both \(g^{-}\) and \(g^{+}\).

\(n\to e^{-}+\,g^{-}+\,g^{+}\)

\(e^{-}\) is an electron, \(g^{+}\) is a small packet of gravity energy with oscillating energy in \(t_T\).   \(g^{+}\) could be the electron anti-neutrino.   In the nucleus, \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) a proton is converted to \(g^{-}\), a neutron.  And \(g^{-}\) is a small packet of gravity energy with oscillating energy in \(t_c\) that could be detected as a small positive charge, a positron.  In this case, \(g^{+}\) is also the electron neutrino.

This hydrogen \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\), residing in the nucleus, could be the root of beta decay.

Tritium decays by ejecting an electron and a \(g^{+}\) from \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\) within its nucleus .  This could happen via a collision with a \(P_{g^{+}}\) photon that ejects the \(g^{+}\) particle first.  The particle loses its positive charge, and the electron is also ejected.

The resulting atom \((e^{-},\,(g^{-},\,g^{+}),\,g^{-},\,g^{-})\), is highly unstable, \(^3H\).  It acquires a \(g^{+}\) again to become \(^3_2He^{1+}\), \((e^{-},\,(g^{-},\,g^{+}),\,(g^{-},\,g^{+}),\,g^{-})^{1+}\), where the two \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) behave like protons.  The three particles \(g^{-}\) in the makeup of this atom make its atomic mass 3.

Why not lose an electron directly?  Such an electron lost outside of the nucleus will be ionization.  Radioactivity occurs in the nucleus through \(g^{-}\) and \(g^{+}\) gravity particles.

In the posts "Hic, Hic, Hic, I Cna Fly..." and "Guess What? Radioactivity Defined" both dated 26 Jun 2015, radioactivity is attributed to gravity particles.  In particular, the hydrogen, \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\) can reside within the nucleus and undergo beta decay.  Furthermore, when a nucleus has a \(g^{-}\) particle, the gain of a \(g^{+}\) particle converts the neutron (\(g^{-}\) by itself) to a proton, (\(g^{-},\,g^{+}\)).  The loss of a \(g^{+}\) particle from the pair (\(g^{-},\,g^{+}\)) converts the proton to a neutron.

The loss of  \(g^{-}\) particles from a nucleus weakens the negative gravitational potential that holds the nucleus together, as a result an alpha particle, \(^4_2He\) may break away from the nucleus.

There is no gamma rays being emitted in this model.  Both electron neutrino and electron anti-neutrino are the same \(g^{+}\) particle.  The first issue can be dealt with in the following way.  If the photon that ejected the positive gravity particle \(g^{+}\), is slowed down and subsequently captured in the later stage as a \(g^{+}\) particle.  This implies that the photon that ejected the particle in the first place, is just another particle of the same nature, accelerated to light speed.   Then the energy emitted as the photon slows can account for the gamma rays emitted.  At the same time this scenario provides for a mechanism to recapture \(g^{+}\).

This post does not have the coverage to claim consistency.   We need to look at all types of radioactive decays to have greater confidence in gravity particles being responsible for radioactivity.