Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monochromatic Light. What?

Posts "The Unknown Leads To Penetration", ''Only Experiment Will Tell", "Rainbow Don't Add Up" and  "Why Refraction? Why dispersion?" need to be rephrased.

\(\psi\) is not being compressed but physically expanded.  The total energy associated with \(\psi\) remains unchanged and so, \(\psi\) itself, the energy density is reduced with increased volume.  Work is still being done on \(\psi\).  This is the counter-intuitive part: positive work is still being done on \(\psi\).  And so the inequality,

\(E_w\lt E_r+E_o+E_y+E_g+E_b+...+E_v\)

from the post "Rainbow Don't Add Up" still holds.

Since all photons can be subjected to such positive work, what then is monochromatic light?

Monochromatic light does not exist.  All photons disperse.   Photons are dispersed to higher frequencies when less work is recovered on exit, and they are dispersed to lower frequencies when more work is extracted than work done on it, on their exits from the refractive medium.  (Another similar collision at the exit boundary does reciprocal, negative work.)

Zero dispersion, is when all work done is removed from the photons on exit.

Hmmm...  Easier to start my own religion.