Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Right Answer Wrong Question

There is a problem, if the sign of the force exerted by the particle (in its force field) is accounted for by aligning the time dimensions...

The case for electron and proton is illustrated above.  When the time dimensions are aligned, the space dimensions \(x\), point in opposite directions.   Electrons exert a force opposite to that of protons.  They attract each other.

Then making the force density, \(F\), negative around an electron by extending \(\psi\) further beyond the origin (center of the particle), is double counting.  There is no need to make \(F\) negative as aligning the time dimensions accounts for the sign of \(F\) already.

If this is the case, what would account for the difference in mass of opposite particles?

An electron has smaller mass, its \(\psi\) will extend further beyond the origin compared to a proton, but why?

If we define a negative particle as one with a higher initial negative \(F\) as the result of \(\psi\) extending further in space. Then it follows that a negative particle has less mass and would always be in orbit around a more massive positive particle that spins almost in place when the two are bounded.

Or, do we argue that, by aligning the time dimensions, we find that \(F\) for a negative particle is negative and so indicates that \(\psi\) of this particle must extend further from the origin, as such resulting in a smaller particle mass?