Sunday, June 21, 2015

Positively, Glass Rub With Silk

Amber is an organic resin, glass can be pulled into flexible fibers.  Glass is a better choice.  In order to discourage the formation of \(H_2\) it would be useful to pump UVC 274.3 nm light into the fiber made with a less dense clagging around a central glass cylindrical core to confine the light.

The glass fiber will then conduct protons.

If optical fibers came from some UFO wreckage,  I think there has been a sweet misunderstanding.

A protonic circuit do not heat up, but gravity effects such a circuit.  Just as there are electrical sensors/circuits to detect temperature changes, in a analogous way, there can be a protonic sensors/circuits to detect changes in gravity.

Gravity will effect the resistance to proton flow in a proton conductor, just as temperature increases the resistance to electron flow in a electric conductor.  Does resistance increase or decrease with gravity, in the case of proton flow?  Likely to increase.  In both cases then, there is an increase in energy potential along the orthogonal time axis that results in an increase in resistance to particle flow.  In the case of electrons, that was energy oscillating between \(t_T\) and \(x\), and in the case of protons, energy oscillating between \(t_g\) and \(x\).

Both proton and electron flow in a coil produces \(B\) fields, albeit in the opposing sense; protons being just opposite charge to electrons.

What if  we are wrong!

If \(B\) field produced in the case of circulating electrons is actually energy along \(t_T\), that is to say the magnetic field are basically ordered/aligned temperature gradients.  Then circulating protons will produce gravitational fields.  In each case then, the energy in the orthogonal time axes aligns and manifest itself as the particle goes into circular motion.

The notion that \(B\) fields are actually aligned temperature gradients can be tested.  If we have very fine heated particles in circular motion, it would be as if small \(B\) field vectors are going in circular motion.  Does this produce an electric field through the center of the circle, perpendicular to the plane containing the circular motion.

We may have just found the heat particle pairs, postulated previously,

These are particles corrected from previously where energy oscillates between two space dimensions.  Instead, these particles are waves that exist in the \(t_T\) time dimension, has light speed along another time dimension \(t_g\) or \(t_c\), and energy that oscillating between the remaining time dimension and one other space dimension.  \(p_{tT}(t_g,x,t_c)\) in circular motion will produce an electric field and \(p_{tT}(t_c,x,t_g)\) in circular motion will produce a gravitational field.  In both cases, these fields are perpendicular to the plane containing the circular motion.

There is no \(T\) but aligned or misaligned \(B\).

Aligned \(T\) is \(B\).

Misaligned \(B\) is \(T\)


There is no \(B\) but aligned or misaligned \(T\).

Aligned \(T\) is \(B\).

Misaligned \(B\) is \(T\)

The problem is polarity, the \(N\) and \(S\) poles of a magnet.  May be the three time dimensions proposed should be \(t_B\), \(t_c\) and \(t_g\); instead of \(t_T\), \(t_B\)?

In which case, we have immediately, two monopoles independent of each other and quite capable of acting alone.  If \(B\) is flow, then there must be a "through" end and a "from" end.  In which case the "through" end cannot be separated from the "from" end.  And so, when there is a \(S\) pole there is a \(N\) pole.

Does magnetic field confines heat flow between a hot and cold object?

The implicit notion here is that when these particles are in circular motion their energies oscillating in the orthogonal dimensions manifest themselves.  That the \(B\) field, for example, whatever its nature may be, is part of the wave.

In the case of an electric potential, we know that the presence of a lot of charges (of the oppose sense) can effectively nullifies the potential.  A high positive potential is cancelled  by adding electrons.  The \(B\) field can also be cancelled by high temperature (Curie temperature).  We however, create temperature particles in pairs and have never separated these pairs experimentally.

If \(B\) is just \(T\), then a magnetic field will serve to separate the temperature particle pair.  One of the pair cancels the \(N\) pole of a magnet and is pushed away by the \(S\) pole.   The other of the pair cancels the \(S\) pole of the magnet and is similarly pushed away by the \(N\) pole.

We are back to question of magnetic monopoles, but this time they are temperature particles.

Only experiments can tell... whether you get the Nobel Prize or not.  Thank you Madame Curie.