Friday, May 9, 2014

Vortex Potential Energy, VPE

Consider a cone inverted in a fluid,

The force on an elemental area \(\triangle A\), at depth \(x\) on the side of such a cone is given by

\({ F }_{ s }=\rho g.x\triangle A\),

where \(g\) is gravity, \(\rho\) is density of the fluid.

\(\triangle A\) is an elemental ring of radius \(\triangle y\), height \(\triangle x\),

\(\triangle A=2\pi \triangle y. \triangle x\)

\(\therefore { F }_{ s }=2\pi \rho g. x.\triangle y  \triangle x\)

The work done against such a force in moving the fluid out to the perimeter \(y\), at a given depth \(x\) is,

\(\triangle W_r = F_s . \triangle y =  2\pi \rho g. x. \triangle y^2  \triangle x\)

\(W_r = 2\pi \rho g. x. \triangle x \int_{0}^{y} (dy)^2\)

\(W_r = 2\pi \rho g. x. \triangle x |_{0}^{y} \frac {y^2}{2}\)

\(W_r = \pi \rho g. x.y^2 \triangle x \)

And so, total work done in establishing such a cone of height, \(h\) in the fliud is,

\(W = \int_0^h dW_r = \pi \rho g. \int_0^h x.y^2 dx\), since \(y=\frac r h x\)

\(W = \pi \rho g. \frac {r^2}{ h^2} \int _{0}^{h} x^3 dx\)

\(W =  \frac{1}{4} \pi \rho g r^2h^2\)

If we model a vortex as a inverted cone, than this expression is the Potential Energy of the vortex.