Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fat Electrons and the Learned Inverse Square

Areas of two concentric spheres of radii \({R}_{1}\) and \({R}_{2}\),

 \(Area_1 = 4\pi {R}^2_{1}\)

\(Area_2 = 4 \pi {R}^2_{2}\)

If we consider flux emanating from a constant source of \(W\), then

\(flux_{R1} = \cfrac{W}{4\pi {R}^2_{1}}\)

\(flux_{R2} = \cfrac{W}{4\pi {R}^2_{2}}\)

from which we have the inverse square law.

\(flux  \propto  \cfrac{1}{{R}^{2}}\)

However, if

\(W \propto \cfrac{4}{3}\pi R^3 \)

where the volume immediately below is of concern, like space density, then

\(flux \propto \cfrac{ R}{3}\) as in the case of dielectric in electrostatic.

This is the case when electrons are trapped in a oil drop, a dielectric.  The factor of \(\cfrac{1}{3}\) is serious.  The term \(R\) may cancel in the final formulation, especially if the same droplet is swinging about, but the factor \(\cfrac{1}{3}\) does not go away no matter how you orientate the E flux.

This is how the fat electrons slimmed down.