Thursday, May 22, 2014

Photon Mass and What the F

This post is not true. Planck's relation may not be true.  However, the first part of the Energy vs Frequency is still valid and we can restrict ourselves to interaction of the photons with the outermost electron shell.

There is another way to obtain \({m}_{p}\), consider the total energy of the photon in motion,

Total Energy = Rotational KE + Linear KE = \(h.f\)

where \(h\) is the Planck Constant, then

\(\cfrac{1}{2}{m}_{p}{c}^{2}+\cfrac{1}{2}{m}_{p}{c}^{2}\) = \(h.f\)

\(4\pi^2{m}_{p}r^2.f = h\)

\(\cfrac{4\pi^2{m}_{p}}{h}.f = \cfrac{1}{r^2}\)                        (*)

A plot of \(\cfrac{1}{r^2}\) vs \(f\) we obatin the gradient,

\(\cfrac{4\pi^2{m}_{p}}{h}\) = gradient

\({m}_{p}\) = gradient*\(\cfrac{h}{4\pi^2}\)

This may be a better way to obtain \({m}_{p}\), the photon mass.  Consider,  where the photon is in circular motion,

 \(\omega^{ 2 }=\cfrac { F }{ { m }_{ p } } \cfrac { 1 }{ r }\)

 \(\cfrac { 4{\pi}^2{ m }_{ p } }{ F }.f.\cfrac{1}{r}.f= \cfrac { 1 }{ r^2 }\)    comparing with (*) then,

\(F.r=h.f\)    and so,

\(F = \cfrac{h.f}{r}\)

This is very serious.  The dimensions in the expression check out.  Previous experimental data of \((f,r)\) pairs can be used to verify this expression and also whether the assumption \({F}_{i}=\cfrac{F_o}{{n}_{i}}\) is true.  This is also the force that drives the photon to light speed.  Why does this force exist?  If it is due to asymmetry along the dipole separation then, one geometrically big charge and the other size small may be the reason.