Sunday, May 18, 2014

Photons, Bubbles and Collisons

Thinking about photons is like a fish thinking about what bubbles are and are not.

Bubbles, inside, air. Photons, inside, empty space.
Bubbles dissolve in water.  Photons dissolve in time.
Bubbles float up perpetually.  Photons at light speed.
Bubbles collide and coalesce.  Photons collide and coalesce?
Bubbles all sizes.  Photons quantized.
Bubbles has PE and KE.  Photons have KE well, \({v}^{2}_{s}\) at least,  PE?  Photons do have PE, its                                           time speed tends towards light speed.
Bubbles has mass.  Photons have mass?
Bubbles have size.  Photons have size, or just packets of energy?
Bubbles have colors.  Photons have colors?
Bubbles break up.  Photons break up?
Bubbles spin.  Photons spin?
Bubbles have momentum. Photons have momentum.
Bubbles exert a force.  Photons exert a force?
Bubbles can  be created.  Photons can be created.
Bubbles foam and stick.  Photons foam and stick?
Bubbles pair up.  Photons pair up?
Bubbles make noise.  Photons make noise, radiates?
Bubbles expand and contract.  Photons expand and contract?
Bubbles disappear.  Photons disappear.
Bubbles bounce.  Photons bounce.
Bubbles can be stored.  Photons can be stored?
Bubbles distort.  Photons distort?
Bubbles have a gravitational field around them.  Photons interact with space...
Bubbles time travel.  Photons time travel.
Bubbles block pipes.  Photons block anything?
Bubbles lense.  Photons lense?
Bubbles roll.  Photon roll?
Bubbles float up.  Photons float up in a gravitational field.
Bubbles elastic.  Photons elastic?
Bubbles get destroyed.  Photon get destroyed?
Bubbles are slippery.  Photons are slippery?
Bubbles break.  Photons break?
Bubbles chain up.  Photons chain up?
Bubbles speed reach terminal velocity.  Photons light speed, terminal velocity.
Bubbles gets bigger.  Photons expand?

Bubbles are fun...