Monday, May 26, 2014

Clarice and a Beetle's Electra

One of two minds.
It covets the other, dissimilar.
Repulse one of the same.
At a distant without touching.
As if calling out by name.
How do you know thy foe?
Your greatest enemy is you?

And that not of your nature you love.
How would you know your love, without knowing you?
As simply be?...One of the other complement...which is which?
Friend or foe!

You have a partner in crime.
A whisperer, one who tells, you your nature.
And since knowing is all there is, you have within you, your opposite.

And what of this other, ... B field?
A manifestation of your opposite within?
At ninety degrees!   Not quite your opposite.
Keeping your enemy closer?  Unwise.
He tells on you.