Thursday, June 30, 2016

What Change \(KE\)?

From the post "Equating To A Indefinite Integral" dated 10 Jun 2016,


and at a distance \(r\), \(r\gt a_{\psi}\) from the center of the field,

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi}}{\varepsilon_o}=\dot{x}F_{\rho}|_{r}\)    defined this way

where \(\dot{x}=v\).

This was Coulomb's inverse square law, as a constant power is divided over the surface area of a sphere at radial distance, \(r\) from the center of the field.

So, with

\(\cfrac{1}{\varepsilon_o}=2c^2ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))\) and,

\(F_{\rho}|_{r}=\cfrac{F_{\rho}|_{a_\psi}}{4\pi r^2}.\cfrac{2}{\varepsilon_o}\)

here the factor \(\cfrac{2}{\varepsilon_o}\) behaves like surface area,


is the total flux emanating from a sphere of surface area of \(4\pi a_{\psi}\), at a distance \(a_{\psi}\) from the center of the field.  So that, \(F_{\rho}|_{r}\) is simply,

\(F_{\rho}|_{r}=\cfrac{\Psi_c}{4\pi r^2}\)

And when \(\dot{x}=v=c\), we have,

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi}}{\varepsilon_o}=F_{\rho}|_{r}.c\)

This is different from Coulomb's

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q}{\varepsilon_o}=F\)

the force in a field per unit charge.

From Newton force,


An incremental work done by this force,

\(F.\Delta x=m\cfrac{dv}{dt}\Delta x\)

If we allow \(m\) to change with velocity, ie to associate the factor \(32\pi^4\) in the expression,


that originated from considering the different in speed limits in the time dimension and the space dimension and that energy is conserved across the two dimensions.  At the speed limit, a particle passes over to the orthogonal dimension; in space, light speed brings a particle to the time dimension at \(v_t=0\).  So, we have,

\(F.{ \Delta x }=\left\{ m(v_{ p })+\Delta m(v_{ p }) \right\} \cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \Delta x_{ p } }\)

where \(m=m(v_p)\), the particle mass is a function of its velocity, and the particle is displaced by \(\Delta x_p\) instead.  \(\Delta m(v_p)\) is due to a change \(v_p\), \(\Delta v_p\) with \(\Delta x_p\),

\(F.{ \Delta x }=m(v_{ p })\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \Delta x_{ p } }+\Delta m(v_{ p })\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \Delta x_{ p } }\)

\( F.{ \Delta x }=m(v_{ p })\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \Delta x_{ p } }+\cfrac { dm(v_{ p }) }{ dv_{ p } } \Delta v_{ p }.\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \Delta x_{ p } }\)

\( F.{ \Delta x }=m(v_{ p })\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \Delta x_{ p } }+\cfrac { dm(v_{ p }) }{ dt } \Delta v_{ p }.{ \Delta x_{ p } }\)

Over time \(\Delta t\),

\(F.{ \cfrac { \Delta x }{ \Delta t }  }=m(v_{ p })\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } { \cfrac { \Delta x_{ p } }{ \Delta t }  }+\cfrac { dm(v_{ p }) }{ dt } \cfrac { \Delta v_{ p } }{ \Delta t } .{ \Delta x_{ p } }\)

as \(\Delta t\rightarrow 0\)

\(\cfrac{\Delta x_p}{\Delta t}=v_p\),  \(\cfrac{\Delta v_p}{\Delta t}=a\)

\(F.{ \cfrac { \Delta x }{ \Delta t }  }=m(v_{ p })v_p\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } +\cfrac { dm(v_{ p }) }{ dt } a.{ \Delta x_{ p } }\)

since \(\Delta t\) is small and \(\Delta x\) is small, \(a\) is a constant, basically,

\( v=u+at\)

\( \Delta x=ut+\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } at^{ 2 }\)

\( \Delta x=u\cfrac { (v-u) }{ a } +\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } \cfrac { (v-u)^{ 2 } }{ a } \)

\( 2a\Delta x=2(uv-u^{ 2 })+(v-u)^{ 2 }=v^{ 2 }-u^{ 2 }\)

when \( u=0\), the particle is subjected to the field from rest,

\( 2a\Delta x=v^{ 2 }\)

\( a\Delta x=\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } v^{ 2 }\)


\(F.{ v }=m(v_{ p }).v_{ p }\cfrac { dv_{ p } }{ dt } +\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } v^{ 2 }_{ p }\cfrac { dm(v_{ p }) }{ dt } \)

\(F.{ v }=m(v_{ p })\cfrac{1}{2}\cfrac { dv_{ p }^2 }{ dt } +\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } v^{ 2 }_{ p }\cfrac { dm(v_{ p }) }{ dt }=\cfrac { d }{ dt }\left\{\cfrac{1}{2}m(v_p).v_P^2\right\}=\cfrac { dKE }{ dt } \)

\(v\) is independent of \(v_p\), it is a parameter associated with the field only.

From previously,

\(c=n\sqrt { \cfrac {(32\pi ^{ 4 }-1) }{ 128\pi\theta_{\psi}ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))tanh(\theta_{\psi}) }  }\)


\(c\) is the flow of energy from  the center of the field, irrespective of the velocity of a test charge in the field.  \(c\) is a constant between all interacting particles with the same \(n\) number of constituent basic particle.

When \(v=c\), the idea of \(F\) changing \(KE\) directly and \(F.c\) changing \(KE\) directly differ by a constant.

\(F.c=\cfrac { dKE }{ dt }\)

\(F.c\) is decreasing with distance \(r\) from the center of the field because the fixed total amount of energy from the field passes through a bigger surface area \(4\pi r^2\) at \(r\).

This is still prelude to an expression for mass \(m\), but correct for \(F.c\) that change \(KE\) directly.

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi}}{\varepsilon_o}=F_{\rho}|_{r}.c\ne F_{newton}\)

Two things have changed, a field is quantifies by its power output \(F.c\) and the force in a field is different from the Newtonian force.