Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Speed Limited For A Different Reason


\(\left( \cfrac { c_{ adj\,n } }{ n=77 }  \right) ^{ 2 }\ne\left( \cfrac { c_{ adj\,n } }{ n=78 }  \right) ^{ 2 }\)

but all particles with \(77\) basic particles interact at the same light speed limit, and all particles with 78 basic particles interact at a different but constant light speed limit.  Only for,



using \(n=\left(\cfrac{\theta_{\psi}}{0.7369}\right)^3\)

is the light speed limit about the same for values of \(n\) greater than \(159939\).

That's a big particle!

Further more, with the Durian constant in mind, is \(n=A_D\)?  (The particle size limit, \(a_{\psi\,\pi}\) is still an assumption only based on the need for an inverse square relation of the force in the field over distant, and so a decreasing or constant \(F_{\rho}\).)  That entangled particles sharing energy in the time dimension is also in close proximity in space, so much so that a manifested particle is made up of \(n=A_D\) number of basic particles as far as elementary charges are concerned.

An electron is a basic particle, but free charges are much bigger; maybe a coalesce of \(n=A_D\) number of basic particles.

In this way, entanglement is not observed at the macro level of manifested particles, but only at the basic particle level.  Manifested particles are entangled within themselves.  Basic particles entangled as part of a manifested particle, pried from the manifested particle will display entanglement, and are entangled to each other.

Gas molecules cannot be entangled to each other, but as big manifested particles, they are subjected to a common light speed limit irrespective of their size, \(n\gt\gt159939\).

Gas molecules and the like are subjected to the light speed limit not because of entanglement but for \(\cfrac{c_{adj,\,n}}{n}=constant\) in a field.

May light speed be with you.