Wednesday, June 15, 2016

And Gravity Is Five Hundred!

Combining both results from the post "Where Did The Pound Come From?" dated 15 Jun 2016,


\({ q_{ a_{ \psi  } } } =i4\pi { \cfrac { \dot { x }  }{ a_{ \psi  } } mc^{ 2 } }\)


\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi a^2_{\psi}}.i4\pi{ \cfrac { \dot { x }  }{ a_{ \psi  } }Mc^{ 2 } }=G\cfrac{M}{a^2_{\psi}}\)

\(G={ \cfrac { c^{ 3 }  }{ a_{ \psi  } }  }\)

\(F= \cfrac { c^{ 3 }  }{ a_{ \psi  } }.\cfrac{M}{x^2}\) --- (1)


\({ q_{a_{\psi}} }=2\dot { x }F_{\rho}|_{x}=4\pi GM\)


\(F=\cfrac{c^3}{a^2_{\psi}}.\cfrac{M}{x}\) --- (2)


At \(a_{\psi}=6371000\) and \(M=5.972e24\), both expression (1) and (2) is the same,



If we divide by the Durian constant considering entanglement,


Even if we consider \(g\) as a sinusoidal at frequency of \(7.489 Hz\) and we take the rms value,



This is still a large number, given the error in Earth's mass, \(M\).

Note:  The unit dimension of the expression for \(F\) is a mess because after the integration the \(tanh(x)\) function carries a unit and is not dimensionless.