Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Elementary Electron Charge

From the post "Pound To Rescue Permittivity" dated 30 May 2016,


after applying the \(\sqrt{3}\) factor to account for 3D space,



Why was it not necessary to divide by the Durian constant \(A_D=\cfrac{4}{3}\pi(2c)^3=9.029022e26\)?

Because the elementary charge \(q_e\) has absorbed the constant,

\(q_e\rightarrow \cfrac{q}{A_D}\)

Given one particle, \(q=1\)


since by definition,


If we adjust \(q_e\) by the factor,


to return to the definition of \(\varepsilon_o\). ie,

\(\cfrac{1}{2c^2ln(cosh(\pi))}*\sqrt{3}\rightarrow\cfrac{1}{\mu_oc^2}=\cfrac{1}{4\pi\times10^{-7}c^2} \)

As both denominator and numerator of \(\cfrac{q}{\varepsilon_o}\)are multiplied by the same factor, we have,



and we further account for the fact that \(77\) particles coalesce up to the limit \(tanh(\cfrac{G}{\sqrt{2mc^2}}a_{\psi\,\pi})=1\)

\(\pi\rightarrow 3.135009 \)

\(ln(cosh(\pi))\rightarrow ln(cosh(3.135009))\)

that is,


and so,


we compare this with the quoted value of \(e=1.602 176 565e-19\), we are about \(1.195\) times off.

If we do not adjust for the factor \(\sqrt{3}\),


we are about twice off the quoted value,


What happened?  If the experiment to obtain \(e\) is with point charges then we may not have to factor in \(\sqrt{3}\) for charged bodies in 3D space, but this results in a calculated elementary charge of twice the quoted value.

When we do factor in \(\sqrt{3}\), the discrepancy seems to reflect the ratio between the Durian constant and Avogadro constant,


there is however no reason to adjust the Durian constant here.   Furthermore, swapping Durian for Avogadro increases the calculated charge, \(q_e\) that is already too high.

Otherwise, another constant hangs on my wall!

Note:  Dividing by the Durian constant was necessary to account for entanglement.