Wednesday, June 29, 2016

\(c\) Is For Circle

Is light speed still a constant for all particles without the adjustments?

\(c=n\sqrt { \cfrac {(32\pi ^{ 4 }-1) }{ 128\pi\theta_{\psi}ln(cosh(\theta_{\psi}))tanh(\theta_{\psi}) }  }\)


so, given \(n\), \(\theta_{\psi}\) is determined and \(c\) is fixed.  \(c\) is the same for all particles with \(n\) number of basic particles.

\(c_{n=i}\ne c_{n=j}\)

for \(i\ne j\)

But this does not proof that \(c\) is a constant even for particles with the same \(n\).  \(c\) was assumed to be a speed limit when \(\theta_{\psi\,c}=0.7369\) was obtained from

\(ln(cosh(\cfrac { G }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  }a_{\psi\,c}))=\cfrac{1}{4}\)

in the post "New Discrepancies And Hollow Earth" dated 23 Jun 2016.

We are going in circles otherwise...