Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pressure And Anger Management

As only positive temperature particles \(T^{+}\) are captured in the electron orbit, it is the negative temperature charge particle that exert a pressure on the containment wall initially.  When temperature increases by driving away \(T^{-}\), pressure drops.  When all \(T^{-}\) particles are driven away but one (per constant area) pressure is at the minimum.  Pressure due to one \(T^{+}\) and one \(T^{-}\) per constant area is the same.  Pressure increases as temperature increases with more positive temperature particles added afterwards.  At this point and higher temperature beyond, pressure on the containment wall is due to \(T^{+}\) particles distributed on the surface of the containment wall.

There is no temperature point at which there is zero temperature particle (per constant area) distributed on the containment.  The transition from one negative temperature particle to one positive temperature particle, per constant area, on the containment share the same pressure.  This is assuming that positive particles repel each other equally as negative particles repel each other.

If this scenario is not a dream, pressure has more to do with the containment wall's ability to hold and distribute temperature particles than the gas being contained.  A containment of insulating material that does not accumulate temperature particles irrespective of the temperature of the gas inside and redistribute temperature particles within it uniformly, will not experience increase in pressure on its inside wall (both locally and the general interior) as temperature of the gas increases.

Un-fuzzed when hot.