Monday, August 11, 2014

War Monger At Large

In a totally analogous way,

\(F_f=4\pi G_{To}x.m_f\Phi\)

where \(4\pi G_{To}x\) is the thermal gravitation source and  \(\Phi\) is the flux component,

\(\Phi=\cfrac{1}{4\pi x^2}\)

More importantly,  \(F_f\)  is the repulsive force between a thermal source and a hypothetical flame element  \(m_f\),

This hopefully, will allow us to calculate the force down a barrel of a rifle, at the end of a rocket combustion chamber, inside a grenade or inside a bullet cartridge.  Together with polar plots of gravity like the post "Have A Heart, While It's Hot", we have a good view of the thermal gravitational force inside an exploding containment.

From previous posts, we see that if we cool the bullet or the solid projectile first before igniting the charge behind it,  the greater temperature gradient between it and the fire ball upon ignition will generate a greater thermal gravity that would drive the projectile to greater speed.

And from,


\(x_o\),  being the radius of the radiating body, suggests that the end seal of the explosion chamber should not be flat but instead of finite curvature, rounded and small.  \(G_{To}\) is then higher to generate higher  \(g_T\)