Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's ALIVE! Gravity Lives, It Has A Pulse.

So, a LF oscillator at 7.5 Hz levitate because of the heat in the coil, not for the low frequency electromagnetic waves that it generates.  The lifting effect is due to the coil because we observed that the coil is upward always.  Lift does not occur immediately after the oscillator is turned on because heat has to buildup in the coil for a temperature gradient with the ambient.  This lift is on the hot body, in this case the oscillator coil and is proportional to the gradient of space density around the hot body.  Space density is perturbed because of the higher temperature.  But in order for observable lift,  this heat is to pulse at 7.489 Hz.  A sort of resonance occurs with Earth's gravitational wave also pulsing at 7.489 Hz.

But why?  Why would resonance generate greater lift?  This phenomenon suggests that earth is pulling at not a constant force but at a pulsated rate of 7.489 Hz.   Pushing against this force in phase with its pulse rate negate gravity.  But one cannot generate greater gravity by going anti-phase, with such explanation/understanding.

A simple electromagnet pulsing at 7.489 Hz acts to project a gravity beam.  It seems that instead of push it is possible to pull when a combination of three gravity beams are used.

How to pull?  Is magnet a natural space pump?  A natural gravity generator?   Why would two ends sucking at each other repel?  A strong enough magnet will stick to anything!?

Questions and more questions.