Friday, August 1, 2014

i'm Imagining It...

Th following two diagrams show matters in the time domain,

The rotational/directional quantity ii and ii are applied only once, using vtgvtg as reference. So for the case of electron, its momentum is,


qq is negative because of its negative speed, vtcvtc along the charge time dimension.  With respective to the gravitational time dimension, this speed is i.vtci.vtc.

And we define a scalar,


In order that, for similar charge type,


Which is negative for repulsive force.

And for dissimilar charge type,


Which is positive for attractive force.

vtcvtc is time speed along the charge time dimension not in space.  All charges will be perceivable as long as their time speed along the gravitational time dimension is the same as the observer.  It is interesting that this charge time axis can rotate about the gravitational time axis freely and all the above equations will still hold.  In fact both axes may have spin.

 With this formulation of the time domain, we have a consistent picture of field forces and matter/antimatter interaction.