Friday, August 1, 2014


It is chain reaction that make \(E=mc^2\) explosive.  By itself, given small enough \(m\), like \(m_e\),  \(E=m_ec^2\) is difficult to detect.  With any other suitable exothermic processes,  properly chained up,  the overall reaction can be even more explosive.

Consider this,

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=A{ \begin{matrix} lim \\ \Delta t\rightarrow0 \end{matrix} } \left\{\cfrac{\Delta kg}{\Delta t} \right\}=A\cfrac{(kg_1-kg_2)}{\Delta t}\)

Assuming that \(g\), gravity is a constant,

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=\cfrac{A}{g}{ \begin{matrix} lim \\ \Delta t\rightarrow0 \end{matrix} } \left\{\cfrac{(kg_1-kg_2)g}{\Delta t} \right\}\)

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=\cfrac{A}{g}{ \begin{matrix} lim \\ \Delta t\rightarrow0 \end{matrix} } \left\{\cfrac{\Delta F}{\Delta t} \right\}\)

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=\cfrac{mA}{g}{ \begin{matrix} lim \\ \Delta t\rightarrow0 \end{matrix} } \left\{\cfrac{\Delta a}{\Delta t} \right\}\)

where \(m\) is the fluid inside the connecting tube.

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=\cfrac{mA}{g}\cfrac{d^3x }{d t^3}\)

\(\Delta kg = \rho X_A \Delta x\),    \(m= \rho X_A L\)

where \(X_A\)   is the cross-sectional area of the connecting tube,   \(L\)   the length of the tube and \(\rho\)   the density of the fluid.

\(\Delta x = \cfrac{\Delta kg}{\rho X_A}\)

\(\cfrac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} = \cfrac{1}{\rho X_A}\cfrac{\Delta kg}{\Delta t}\)

When we apply \(\lim{\Delta t\to0}\),

\(\cfrac{dx}{dt}= \cfrac{1}{\rho X_A}\cfrac{dkg}{dt}\)

\(\cfrac{d^3x}{dt^3} =  \cfrac{1}{\rho X_A}\cfrac{d^3 kg}{dt^3}\) --- (**)


\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=A\cfrac{m}{g}\cfrac{1}{\rho X_A}\cfrac{d^3 kg}{dt^3}\)

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=A\cfrac{\rho X_A L}{g}\cfrac{1}{\rho X_A}\cfrac{d^3 kg}{dt^3}\)

\(\cfrac{d kg}{dt}=A\cfrac{L}{g}\cfrac{d^3 kg}{dt^3}\)

where A is the constant of proportionality that can be 1.

Now comes the hard part,

Consider an analogy,

\(kg:)_\supset T\)

where the relational symbol, \(:)_\supset \) means "analogous to"

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=A\cfrac{L}{g_T}\cfrac{d^3 T}{dt^3}\)   --- (*)

where \(T\) is temperature,  \(A\) is a proportionality constant,  \(L\) is the distance between the two hot spots and \(g_T\) an analogous gravity term that is here responsible for the flow of T.  A hot spot thins out space around it. A gravity pull develops towards the direction of denser space, as a result of time speed slowing down in the denser space region.  This gravity pulls \(T\) into the region of denser and colder space. Thermal gravity, \(g_T\) develops as a result of conservation of energy across time and space,

\(v^2_t+v^2_s=c^2\)  from which we obtained \(g\), gravity.


from which we obtained \(g\), gravity and electrostatic field acceleration.  And


from which we obtained in addition, two temperature components.  These temperature components are the results of rotation \(v^2_{rg}\) and \(v^2_{rc}\), they do not have independent time components.  Their time components are respectively, in compliance to the right hand rule, \(v_t\) and \(v_{tc}\).

We note that from (*),

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=A\cfrac{L}{g_T}\cfrac{d^3 }{dt^3}\left\{ \cfrac{1}{2}mv^2\right\}=A\cfrac{L}{2g_T}\cfrac{d^3 }{d^3t}\left\{ mv^2\right\}\)

where both \(m\) and \(v\) can change with time.

In general when \(g\) is not considered time invariant (case of transient before steady state), we start from

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=mA{ \begin{matrix} lim \\ \Delta t\rightarrow0 \end{matrix} } \left\{\cfrac{\Delta }{\Delta t}\left\{\cfrac{a}{g}\right\} \right\}\)

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=mA\cfrac{d}{dt}\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^2x }{d t^2}\right\}\)

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=mA\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^3x }{d t^3}-\cfrac{1}{g^2}\cfrac{dg}{dt}\cfrac{d^2x }{d t^2}\right\}\)

Substitute (**)

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=AL\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^3kg }{d t^3}-\cfrac{1}{g^2}\cfrac{dg}{dt}\cfrac{d^2kg }{d t^2}\right\}\)

and apply the analgy,  \(kg\)    with    \(T\),

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=AL\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^3T }{d t^3}-\cfrac{1}{g^2}\cfrac{dg}{dt}\cfrac{d^2T }{d t^2}\right\}\)

And when we consider other time components,

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}=A\cfrac{L}{2}\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^3}{d t^3}\left\{\sqrt{q^2v^4_{rc}+m^2v^4_{rg}}\right\}-\cfrac{1}{g^2}\cfrac{dg}{dt}\cfrac{d^2}{dt^2}\left\{\sqrt{q^2v^4_{rc}+m^2v^4_{rg}}\right\}\right\}\)


where \(g_{rc}\)   and   \(g_{rg}\)  are the result of time slowing down in the respective time dimensions.  And of course we can have,

\(\cfrac{d T}{dt}\cfrac{dt}{dx}=\cfrac{d T}{dx}=A\cfrac{L}{2v_x}\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^3}{d t^3}\left\{\sqrt{q^2v^4_{rc}+m^2v^4_{rg}}\right\}-\cfrac{1}{g^2}\cfrac{dg}{dt}\cfrac{d^2}{dt^2}\left\{\sqrt{q^2v^4_{rc}+m^2v^4_{rg}}\right\}\right\}\)

where \(v_x=\cfrac{dx}{dt}\).  And, for steady state, \(t\rightarrow\infty\)

\(\int^{T(x)}_0{dT}=T(x)=A\cfrac{L}{2}\int^{\infty}_0{\left\{\cfrac{1}{g}\cfrac{d^3}{d t^3}\left\{\sqrt{q^2v^4_{rc}+m^2v^4_{rg}}\right\}-\cfrac{1}{g^2}\cfrac{dg}{dt}\cfrac{d^2}{dt^2}\left\{\sqrt{q^2v^4_{rc}+m^2v^4_{rg}}\right\}\right\}dt}\)

And so, out of the kitchen we go.