Friday, August 8, 2014

Tectonic Shells And Dancing Flames

The interaction of the two types of gravity,  \(g_t\)    and   \(g\)   that leads to the formation of rings and spheres around the planet might also results in spherical shell structure of Earth's interior when the planet cooled from a hot mass over time.

If this is true than the zero gravity cross over points that marks the gap boundaries might still mark the boundaries of the Earth's tectonic shells.  The variations in net gravity can also account for the relative rotation speeds of these shells.

Furthermore, this thermal gravity is readily observed in a naked candle flame as oblong shaped spheres standing upright inside the flame.  \(g_T\)  accelerates heavier particles less; light particles are driven further out the flame.  This is especially evident on the side and bottom of the flame where  \(\mathbf g_{net}=\mathbf g_T+\mathbf g\) is high.  Thermal gravity is responsible for the flame layered combustion zones.