Sunday, January 14, 2018

Spectrum Of Charge

When basic particles \(a_{\psi\,c}\) are colliding with molecules of summed atomic numbers \(Z\), the energy input is divided by \(Z\) number of particles around the nucleus,


When the molecules is moving, there are \(Z\) number of particles around its nucleus at the required velocity, \(v_{boom}\),


Along another thread of thought,

when a particle can accumulate charge and this charge can flip polarity, then there is no need for sign assignment because each particle is its opposite charge.  There is also no need to set \(B=T\), the magnetic field is the temperature field when temperature particles are interacting as waves, to provide for symmetry among the particles proposed.

The magnetic field is just the \(E\) field rotating and fields of similar nature exist for gravity and temperature.

This resolve the issue of the opposite charges being anti-matter to each other.

There is no opposite charge, a particle acquires charge as its size changes. It is neutral at a specific value of \(\small{1.499*a_{\psi\,c}}\).  Below this value the particle has a negative charge; above this value the charge is positive.  The opposite charge particle pairs identified earlier are complement of each other.  They are complement particles.

It is possible to align previously \(p^{+}\) and \(e^{-}\) particles such that both their \(t_{T}\) and \(t_{g}\) axes are opposite to each other and so cancels.  This suggests that the complement pairs are matter-anti matter pair.

But which is matter and which is anti-matter, and why??

The structure/symmetry of this model is now held together by complement, matter-anti matter pairs instead of opposite charge pairs.