Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Basic Particles And Steel

Why does annealing steel leads to a change in its ductility and hardness?

\(a_{\psi\,c}\) generated at boom temperature, \(T_{p}\) coalesce with \(a_{\psi}\lt a_{\psi\,ne}\)and \(a_{\psi\,\pi}\) to form greater charges.  Both of which results in stronger bonds as paired orbits share an electron.

From the post "Steel Fishing" dated 02 Jan 2018, if annealing temperature is equal to \(v_p\) of iron carbide \(Fe_3C\), it is bad news for the posts "Collecting Charge Current",  "Collecting Charge Current II" and "Sun Particle Capture" and "Torus In Entanglement", where it was proposed that very finely grind \(TiO_2\) in a suspension has a changed density that will be in boom under sunlight.

Iron carbide \(Fe_3C\) in steel, unless clustering has retained its density, the validity of \(T_{p}\) as the annealing temperature of steel at and beyond \(0.8\%\) of carbon, suggests that density cannot be changed.

Can density be changed by forming a suspension of very finely grind powder?

Yes, the needed boom interactions will be at the interface between the fluid and the powder clusters.  Within a cluster, which may contain millions of molecules, the density is still of \(TiO_2\) pure.  In the same way, within steel, \(Fe_3C\) cluster responds to \(T_{p}\) as if a pure material with unchanged density.

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