Thursday, January 18, 2018

Light Dispersion And Particles II

The dispersion of white light in the post "Light Dispersion And Particles" dated 17 Jan 2018 is wrong,

because \(a_{\psi\,ne}\) cannot be located within the spread \(a_{\psi\,c}\le a_{\psi\,ne}\le a_{\psi\,\pi}\). 

Unless the refracted size of \(a_{\psi\,\pi}\), denoted as \(\left(a_{\psi\,\pi}\right)_r\),

 \(\left(a_{\psi\,\pi}\right)_r\lt a_{\psi\,ne}\)

Then obviously,

where the refracted rays are correctly denoted as \(\left(a_{\psi}\right)_r\).