Monday, January 15, 2018

Light Speed Back In Time

The problem with the torus photon travelling back in time,

is its first existence being destroyed at the instance it collapses and attain greater than light speed \(c+v_{boom}\).

For conservation of energy across time and space dimensions to hold, the first existence with light speed \(c\) in the time dimension is not destroyed when the particle travels back in time at the instance \(T\) and creates a second timeline of existence with speed \(v_{boom}\).

Another photon is created at the instance \(T\).  This photon is sent back in time and is marked with a second timeline.

How is \(-\Delta \tau\) related to \(c+v_{boom}\)?  Consider, per unit time,

where the areas are spacetime(s).  When the torus photon collapses and attains \(c+v_{boom}\), given its existence (ie light speed \(c\) in the time dimension), the total spacetime is,


immediately after its passage back in time,


The difference,


if spacetime is like energy and must be conserved, this amount of spactime must be created in the past, during \(\Delta \tau\) such that at instance \(T\) the total spacetime is conserved.



gives \(\Delta\tau\) per unit time into the past the particle has to travel so as to create \(\Delta\) and make up for the difference in spacetime up to the instance \(T\) at speed \(v_{boom}\).  The actual time period \(\Delta t\) in the past is,

\(\Delta t=\cfrac{1}{\text{per unit time}}=\cfrac{1}{\Delta \tau}=\cfrac{v_{boom}}{c}\)

Which is total nonsense, crafted only for entertainment, but for a particle source at speed, \(v_s\),

\(\Delta t*v_s=\cfrac{v_{boom}}{c}*v_s=S\)

where \(S\) is the distance in front of the source (in the direction of its speed) that particles with speed \(v_{boom}\) are detected.

Since \(v_{boom}\) is known, by varying \(v_s\) and measuring \(S\) this is a new way to determine \(c\) from the gradient of the plot of \(S\) vs \(v_s\).

\(S\) is the distance beyond which the collapsed particle does not penetrate.  Given the spread of velocities around \(v_{boom}\), a subject material placed around \(S\) will have collapsed particles embedded in it as the particles travel back from the future.