Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hot Tube Turned

When torus at light speed collapses back into a spherical particle it attains speed \(c+v_{boom}\); this drive it into the past.  (post "Through The Mind's Eye" dated 30 Dec 2017.).  This happens all the time in a fluorescence tube.  The charges are in the position where the tube will be in the future and may end up outside the tube.  They are not visible as they do not cause a discharge of the air outside the tube.  Set the tube at the discharge voltage of air, the tube will not light up but a specific path outside the tube will.

The escaped particles are negative charged and eventually coalesce into positive charges and heats up the room.  But first they charge outside of the glass tubes negatively.

The tube is re-orientated to accommodate the particles that escape,

the tube itself need not be redesigned but only made longer, considering how far the particles have traveled from the future and how much Earth has moved then, Eastward.

To see the particles outside of the tube, discharge the tube at the air discharge voltage.  Assuming that the discharge is due to nitrogen gas \(N_2\) in the air at \(78\%\), \(Z=7*2\), density \(1.165\,gcm^{-3}\) and molar mass \(28.01286\,gmol^{-1}\)




electrode gap \(d=1\,m\)

And for a gap of \(12\,\mu m\),


Goggles required!