Saturday, January 20, 2018

Quantifying Time Travel Backwards

If torus photons find their way into an object via time travel backward in time, then the penetrating power of X rays is the photons' ability to bring surface features out of the object along the direction of incidence.  The object's material absorption coefficient applies only on the trip out of the object.

For copper,


For Hydrogen \(H_2\),


If \(\Delta t=\cfrac{v}{c}-1\)  and


where \(S_{p\,Cu}\) is the penetrating depth due X rays from copper...


We estimate \(S_{p\,Cu}\approx 20\,cm\),



X ray due to \(H_2\) at \(v_{boom}\) is only slightly more penetrating than X ray due to \(Cu\) at \(v_{boom}\).  An increase in value for \(S_p\) because the term,



\(v_{boom\,H_2}\lt v _{boom\,Cu}\lt c\)

but the high value of \(c\) makes the increment insignificant.

It is best to measure \(S_{p}\) directly.  In the setup below,

\(S_p\) is varied as the detector, at a fixed distance \(D\) from the metal plates with surface features sandwiched in the middle, detects a clear image of the interior of the plates.  If X ray penetration is due to a spread of torus photons around \(v_{boom}\), the detector will see the hidden surface features in the metal plates, over a range of values \(S_{p}\).  Increasing the detector distance \(D\) narrows this range.  The plates are sufficiently thin to allow the interior features to be detected by X ray.



A series of \(D\) values would narrows the variance in \(S_{p}\).

Maybe then the expression,

\(\Delta t=\cfrac{v}{c}-1\)


can be verified, after quantifying Earth's movement.