Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Quantum Of Existence

In the post "Like Doppler" dated 15 Jan 2018, energy discrepancy along the time dimension is compensated for by setting time to a negative value with respect to some instance \(T\).  That a particle, with energy \(mc^2\) along the time dimension, provides energy \(\Delta E\),

\(\Delta E=\Delta t*mc^2\)

by coming into existence at a time \(\Delta t\) before the reference \(T\). 

This does not redefine energy but redefines time duration as the ratio of two energy terms.

\(\Delta t=\cfrac{\Delta E}{mc^2}\)

and that such a duration can be negative with respect to a reference instance \(T\).

Time then, is the a span of existence in quantum of existence \(mc^2\).

Time is either a dimensionless ratio of energy terms, or is also measured in units of energy; per \(mc^2\).

As \(\Delta t\) is measured in numbers of \(mc^2\), \(mc^2\) is the second, in which case, second \(s\) is just another unit for energy; or time is dimensionless as it is a ratio of seconds.

All in all, we all have our personal second, \(mc^2\),  that defines our existence.

...and time exists as long as there are two energy terms.

Note:  Remember the expression from defining one particle as a particle with \(\theta=\theta_{\pi}\),


from the post "Sonic Boom" dated 14 Oct 2017.


This could be the discrepancy encountered previously that would account for the need for defining \(\mu\) in the expression for light speed,


This discrepancy results from the definition of time, the second (\(s\)).