Monday, December 31, 2018

Through The Hole!

Happy New Year, 2019!

Through time,

van der Waals radius          f_osc                 hf_osc
2 He helium 140 pm     6.351x1013Hz       0.263 eV

empirical radius                 f_osc                 hf_osc
2 He helium 120 pm     6.860x1013Hz       0.284 eV

A beam of \(hf_{osc}\) upon a \(He\) atom triggers resonance at \(f_{osc}\).   The atom hollows out.  Upon collapse, everything inside the hollow is send forward in time.

How to trigger a collapse?  A push at \(f_{res}\), from the post "A Shield" and "A \(\Psi\) Gun" dated 31 May 2016.

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