Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Lower Speed Limit, Lower Energy, Einstein

From the post "Just When You Think \(c\) Is The Last Constant" dated 26 Jun 2015, when considering only one particle instead of \(77\) particles making up one big particle we obtain the value for light speed before adjusting for \(\mu_o\) and \(\varepsilon_{old}\),


if we adjust this value for  \(\mu_o\) and \(\varepsilon_{old}\) by taking a short cut,

\(c=77.5871223\) adjusts to \(c_{ adj }=301763665\)


\(c=1.42156133\) adjusts to

\(c_{ adj }=\cfrac{301763665}{77.5871223}*1.42156133=5528953.06\,ms^{-1}\)

This value was one of the early quoted values for light speed.

Does this mean a basic particle \(a_{\psi\,c}\) has a lower light speed limit?  If \(a_{\psi\,c}\) does have a lower light speed, this will explain the missing matter in the universe.  \(a_{\psi\,c}\) is the dark matter; it simply has not reach us yet for its slower speed.  The missing energy is the result of holding out for \(c=299792458\,ms^{-1}\) where in fact it should be \(c=5528953.06\,ms^{-1}\), ie


instead of to expect,


Good night and Merry Christmas...


\(c_{ adj }=c.\cfrac { 2ln(cosh(3.135009)) }{ 4\pi\times10^{-7}  }\)