Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hollow Metal

From the post "Shaking In The Infra Red" dated 24 Dec 2018, we have for the case of iron, \(Fe\),
metallic bond size of,


from which


If we were to deliver energy by the impact of electrons,

\(I_{osc}=q_e*f_{osc}=1.602176565\text{e-19}*6.6946e13=1.07259\text{e-5}\,A\approx10.7\,\mu A\)

What will happen?  What is the nature of \(f_{osc}\) resonance?

And for aluminium \(Al\),


\(I_{osc}=q_e*f_{osc}=1.602176565\text{e-19}*6.2841e13=1.007\text{e-5}\,A\approx10.1\,\mu A\)

Does the metal turn transparent when \(I_{osc}\) passes through it?  It is difficult to image the metal turning red hot at such low current level.  With a hole in the middle of each constituent atom, the metal may just be hollow.

Good night...