Monday, December 24, 2018

Here, Ball Ball

Can this be so?  It is still just one \(\psi\) particle,

where the little insert graph denoted oscillation through the center of the \(psi\) particle/cloud.  A larger graph can be found in the post "\(T^4\) Strikes Again" dated 18 Jul 2015 where the first expression for \(f_{osc}\) is derived.  The expression used in the previous two posts to tabulate the elemental data is from "Another Resonance Hollow" dated 16 Dec 2018.

\(f_{osc}\) plays the role as resonance frequency of the big particle and the frequency of \(\psi\) around the smaller impact particle, \(hf_{osc}\); both big and small particles are \(\psi\) balls.

If this is so, setting a \(\psi\) particle to oscillating at \(f_o\) can be achieved by colliding it with another of energy \(hf_o\).

\(f_{osc}\) depends on \(a_{\psi}\) directly and the Kelvin temperature is not involved until we consider the change in \(a_{\psi}\) due to temperature.  At higher temperature, \(a_{\psi}\) might reduce due to collisions.  Here, temperature is as defined in the Kinetic Theory of Gases.  This temperature is not explicitly involved in the derivation of \(\psi\).

Even if this is so, how can Fermi levels be measured as a voltage difference using a voltmeter.  Why would \(hf_{osc}\) captured by a particle, set into resonance (lasting for ever), as such an energy depletion, shows up as a voltage difference?

Does energy drain = voltage drop?  Still, \(f\) as both \(f_{osc}\) and \(hf_{osc}\) is important when two particles collide.

Note:  The logic leading to this post was, find \(f_{osc}\), find \(hf_{osc}\), looks like Fermi levels...
This view resolve the need to state zero absolute temperature, that differentiate between Fermi energy and Fermi levels and rising energy states with rising temperature.  But, given a particle none is in orbit other than \(\psi\).