Sunday, December 16, 2018

Another Resonance Hollow

There is another resonance applicable to all \(\psi\) particles where \(\psi\) is made to oscillate through the particle center, across a diameter.  From the post "\(T^4\) Strikes Again!" dated 18 Jul 2015,




which is a point valid on all \(\psi\) vs \(a_x\) plots.  We have,



\(f_{osc}=c \sqrt{\cfrac{2\pi}{a_{\psi}}}\) --- \((***)\)

This is different from


from the posts "A Shield" and "A \(\Psi\) Gun" both dated 31 May 2016, where the particle is oscillating at the boundary \(x\), given by,

\(\cfrac { G }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  }x=\pi\) --- \((*)\)

not necessarily \(x=a_{\psi}\).  The particle stores oscillatory energy at the boundary defined by \((*)\).

Resonance using \((***)\) however crosses the center of the particle and if \(\psi\) reaches light speed around the center, the particle is hollowed out as in the post "Hollow Particle, Driving Miss
\(\psi\)" dated 07 Jul 2016.  \(\psi\) is "recycled" to the surface of the particle and is possibly freed as photons.  This is the resonance that makes metals glow.

Good night zzz