Sunday, July 27, 2014

Terminal Velocity Revisited

Terminal velocity in a helical path,

Terminal velocity as defined is translation along \(c_1\),

Terminal Velocity = \(c_1\)

Not \(c_2\) which is circular speed, changing direction all the time.  Nor it is \(c\) the instantaneous resultant of \(c_1\) and \(c_2\)

\(c^2=c^2_1+ c^2_2\)

Light speed will be \(c_1\).  But terminal velocity as a limiting velocity, as a consequent of space density/viscosity then it should be \(c\).  That is,

\(c^2\propto drag force\)

Terminal Velocity = \(c\)    and

But \(c_1\) is the measured value, as such light speed is less than \(c\).  By symmetry,


because moving in one direction is the same as moving in another in uniform space.


\(c=\sqrt{2}c_1=\sqrt{2}.light speed\)

The actual terminal velocity of space is \(\sqrt{2}.light speed\).  This is the velocity by which electrons orbit around the nucleus.  This is also the velocity that prevents the atom from collapsing.

\(\cfrac{m_e.2c^2}{r_o}=\cfrac{q^2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o r^2_o}\)    and

\(r_o=\cfrac{q^2}{8\pi \varepsilon_o{m_ec^2}}<r_{n}\)

where \(r_{n}\) is the radius of the positive nucleus.

In these expressions, \(c^2\) has been replaced with \(2c^2\) and in the case for \(c\), to be replaced by \(\sqrt{2}c\).  The speed limit for charge particles in general is \(\sqrt{2}c\).