Saturday, July 26, 2014

Temperature, Space Density And Gravity

Low temperature, collapsed space, black hole, fusion.
High temperature, gravity lower than expected, space portal, Sun.
Hot ball, cold ball, denser space, gravity toward cold ball, solar sail.

There is a relationship between temperature, space density and gravity...

But what???

We know that temperature below absolute zero, space collapses.   A black hole forms and we eventually have fusion.  This is the point where temperature rolls back, where extreme low temperature meets with extreme high temperature.  This circular connectivity where the start meets with the end could be the characteristic of some dimensions.  Other dimensions are rolled out with infinite length in both directions.

When space is pump out of a containment, as space thins out matter losses their magnetic and electric properties.  Atom begins to uncoil sending the orbital electrons wayward but in distinct geometrical shape/pattern, and the nucleus disassociate into free protons.  Thin space is similar to high temperature space associated with plasma.  It could be that plasma is a thin space phenomenon not a high temperature phenomenon.  In which case we will observe cold plasma in a thin space containment, where space has been partially pumped out.  We have measured the temperature of free space to be about 3 K, at the low end of the Kelvin Scale, so normal space is cold temperature space.

Under normal space, gravitational forces are weak, beyond a threshold, at temperature beyond absolute zero (T < 0 K), gravitational forces are stronger than electromagnetic forces and everything collapses.  Fusion that results from such a collapse suggests that positive and negative charges are matter-antimatter pair, travelling in opposite directions along a time dimension (charge time, \(tc\)) perpendicular to gravitational time,\(tg\).  (Post "Charge Kinetic Energy")

At this point things are really awkward,  matter and anti matter have just been defined as masses travelling along some time dimension in opposing directions  \(E=mc^2\) being kinetic energy along the time dimension (Post "No Poetry for Einstein") and two opposing masses colliding, stopping both in time will release both their kinetic energy and will disappear from our time (both totally annihilated).

The introduction of the concept of an orthogonal time dimension allows for both negative and positive time speed to be perceived at the same time (along \(tg\)), and also allows for a consistent treatment of gravitation field and electrostatic field.  Both field forces are the results of time speed slowing down in the respective time dimensions, and the conservation of energy across time and space.  More importantly, since time speed for opposing charges are opposite, we perceive their force actions to be opposite.  In other words, opposing time speed results directly in their opposing charge behavior.  (Post "General Field Equation" and "General Field Equation Duos")

If positive and negative charges are matter and anti-matter pair, why don't they annihilate immediately?

The answer is they cannot get close enough.  Because of the light speed limit, the negative charge experiences a centripetal force that sets it into circular motion about the positive charge as the pair approach each other.  They cannot collide.

This is the reason why for thin space, when space density is reduced, either by high temperature or simple pumping space out of a containment, plasma occurs.  At that instant, terminal velocity of space is raised and light speed is higher.  Negative and positive charges can collide and annihilate each other.  The heat in plasma is then the result of matter and antimatter annihilation.

If all this is true, then immediately we have an expression for which the collapse is imminent;  Consider a negative charge approaching a positive nucleus.  As the negative charge approaches it is accelerated to light speed, the terminal velocity of space of a given space density.  At this point, a perpendicular velocity component develops; the charge move away from the line joining the centers of the two charges, this is the start of its helical path at terminal velocity.  The force components on the negative charge is shown below,

The drag force will always balance the forward component of the electrostatic force at terminal velocity, light speed.  The perpendicular component of the electrostatic force provides for the centripetal force and set the negative charge into circular motion.  As the negative charge approaches, the centripetal force increases, the circular velocity increases until that too reaches terminal velocity light speed.  (We have seen that acceleration can reach up to \(c^2\) from the post "General Field Equation")  And we have,

\(\cfrac{m_ec^2}{r_o}=\cfrac{q^2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o r^2_o}\)

when the negative charge is right over the positive nucleus.

It is likely that the negative charge will over shoot the positive charge and perform simple harmonic motion about the positive charge.

The negative charge does not change rotation sense but the horizontal velocity component reverses direction.  Its helical path is bounded by the curves above and below. This envelop is wrong.  The concave envelop is derived later in the post "Bejing Mask"  The negative weave back and forth about the positive charge in a helical path never changing its sense of rotation.  We see that the charges don't collide given the light speed limit under normal space density.  Collision occurs when,

\(r_o=\cfrac{q^2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o{m_ec^2}}<r_{n}\)

where \(r_{n}\) is the radius of the positive nucleus.

This can happen when \(c\), the terminal velocity of space is increased by reducing space density with high temperature or simply draining out space in a suitable containment (42 cm of Lead, Pb, remember the cat in a corner stone experiment?).  We can also see that if \(r_n\) is higher as in the case of heavy elements, collisions are more likely.

This SHM about the nucleus is by itself very interesting.  And relativistic concerns are not necessary so far...  The issues with electron and proton mass at light speed, may be the result of their time speed component along the orthogonal charge time frame that is once removed from gravitational time, from which we derive mass.  Until next time, have a nice day...