Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rest Mass and Sleeping Beauty

Along the charge time dimension, the inertia is charge \(q\) not mass \(m\).  So we have for kinetic energy along charge time as,


As along gravitational time, the inertia is mass, \(m\), as such,


To consider both at the same time is like putting a charge body on a weighting machine under gravity and at the same time place an opposite charge underneath.  The body will now experience acceleration due to both gravity and electrostatic attraction.  And then to consider the resulting force, \(F_{humbug}\) on the weighting machine to be,


\(m_{humbug} = \cfrac{F_{humbug}}{a_c+a_g}\)

Then we define rest mass, \(m_{rest}\) to be when,



But if there are no other forces but gravity,

\(F_{humbug}=mg\)    and    \(a_g=g\)

and so,


And that is the story of humbug mass.  Hopefully charge as inertia along the charge time dimension has woken.  She is a beauty.  Unfortunately,  sleeping beauty has a serious units/dimension problem and is still comatose.  Another kiss!