Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gravity Wave

How to produce Gravity Wave?...

The problem is gravity is weak.  Gravity of earth itself can be countered by your pair of legs jumping up and about.

It is important to realize that gravity wave as it manifest itself as Schumann Resonance is detected as electromagnetic waves.  This would mean that GW will response to both a E field and a B field.

Take a electromagnet and energize it at a frequency of 7.489 Hz.  Set up the circuit such that the phase of the excitation can be reversed and adjusted.  The point is to have the B field pushing against space downwards interact with earth GW at 7.489 Hz.  Schumann Resonance sits on a DC value of \(g_o\) and is detected as EMW at 7.83 Hz.  With the electromagnet at the correct phase this EMW will increase in amplitude, still at 7.83 Hz

Space is magnetic, a strong magnet will push out space and so pushes out gravity waves.

All hypothetical of course.