Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gravity Wave and Schumann Resonance

From the post "Gravity Exponential Form",

\(g=-g_{ o }e^{ -\cfrac { x }{ r_{ e } }  }\)


\(g=-g_{ o }e^{ -i\cfrac { x }{ r_{ e } }  }\)

where \(ix\) is perpendicular to \(x\) and if \(x\) is a set of radial lines from a origin then \(ix\) is the circular front with radius \(x\). On this front, the value of \(g\) is a constant, given by the expression above.

If we vary gravity by a driving force such that gravity varies in time,

\( g_{ w }=ge^{ iwt }=-g_{ o }e^{i (-\cfrac { x }{ r_{ e } } +wt) }\)


\( \cfrac { \partial ^{ 2 }g_{ w } }{ \partial t^{ 2 } } =w^{ 2 }g_{ o }e^{i (-\cfrac { x }{ r_{ e } } +wt) }\)


\( \cfrac { \partial ^{ 2 }g_{ w } }{ \partial x^{ 2 } } =\cfrac { g_{ o } }{ r^{ 2 }_{ e } } e^{i (-\cfrac { x }{ r_{ e } } +wt) }\)


\( w^{ 2 }g_o=c^{ 2 }\cfrac { g_{ o } }{ r^{ 2 }_{ e } } \)


\( \cfrac { \partial ^{ 2 }g_{ w } }{ \partial t^{ 2 } } =c^{ 2 }\cfrac { \partial ^{ 2 }g_{ w } }{ \partial x^{ 2 } } \)

That is to say, we have a gravity wave that satisfy the above wave equation.  It is assumed here that gravity wave travels at light speed \(c\).

\(w^2=(2\pi f)^2=\cfrac { c^{ 2 } }{ r^{ 2 }_{ e } } \)


\(f=\cfrac{1}{2\pi}\cfrac{c}{r_e}\)=1/(2pi)*299792458/6371000=7.489 Hz

This value is very close to the fundamental Schumann resonances at 7.83 Hz and could the underlying cause of it.  For the case of Mars of radius, \(r_m\) = 3390000 m, the fundamental Schumann Resonance will then be,

\(f_{mars}=\cfrac{1}{2\pi}\cfrac{c}{r_m}\)=1/(2pi)*299792458/3390000=14.075 Hz

If Gravitational Wave (GW) can be detected as electromagnetic wave (EMW), that means space is a carrier of both EMW and GW.  Could it be that EMW and GW is one and the same thing.  From previously, we also have


where \(r\) is the radius of the helical path of the dipole not the wavelength of the EMW.