Saturday, July 19, 2014

And Some More Auntie Gravy

From the post "More Anti Gravity,  Have a Heart Too",

\(a≤-\cfrac { m_{ t } }{ \rho \pi^2 a^{ 2 }_o }\)

If much of the weight of the device is in the fluid then

\(m_t=\rho L.\pi a^2_o\)

where \(L\) is the total length of the tube.  Then,

\(\cfrac { m_{ t } }{ \rho \pi^2 a^{ 2 }_o }=\cfrac { \rho L.\pi a^2_o }{ \rho \pi^2 a^{ 2 }_o }=\cfrac{L}{\pi}\)

and so,


But the total length of a polar curve is,


In this case,






For positive lift,


The expression on the Right Hand Side cannot be easily evaluated, but we know that \(a\) and \(b\) are of opposite sign,


When \(b=0\),

\(RHS=2|^{\pi}_0a=2\pi a\)   which the perimeter of a circle but is greater than LHS.

So, \(b≠0\); the tube in the shape of a circle does not provide a net lift.

If we consider, \(\cfrac{dL}{db}=0\) for a minimum \(L\) given \(a\)



For any possibility of \(\cfrac{dL}{db}=0\), \(b<|a|\) such that the expression,

\((b-|a|cos(\theta))\) can change sign.

So, \(|a|>b>0\)

For the case of  \(|a|=b\),

\( \cfrac { dL }{ db } =\sqrt{2}\int _{ 0 }^{ \pi  }{ (b^{ 2 }-b^{ 2 }cos(\theta ))^{ -\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 }  }(b-{ bcos(\theta )) } } d\theta \)

\( \cfrac { dL }{ db } =\sqrt{2}\int _{ 0 }^{ \pi  }{ (1-cos(\theta ))^{ -\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 }  }(1-{ cos(\theta )) } } d\theta \)

\( \cfrac { dL }{ db } =\sqrt{2}\int _{ 0 }^{ \pi  }{ (1-cos(\theta ))^{ \cfrac { 1 }{ 2 }  } } d\theta \)

\(\cfrac { dL }{ db }=\sqrt{2}|^{\pi}_{0}\left(-\sqrt{2}{\cdot}\cos\left(x\right)-\sqrt{2}\right){\cdot}\sin\left(\dfrac{\mathrm{arctan2}\left(\sin\left(x\right), \cos\left(x\right)\right)+{\pi}}{2}\right)+\sqrt{2}{\cdot}\sin\left(x\right){\cdot}\cos\left(\dfrac{\mathrm{arctan2}\left(\sin\left(x\right), \cos\left(x\right)\right)+{\pi}}{2}\right)\)

\(\cfrac { dL }{ db }=4≠0\) but \(L=(2\sqrt{2})^2a=8a\).

For the case of  \(b=0\),

\( \cfrac { dL }{ db } =2\int^{\pi}_{0}{-cos(\theta)}d\theta=0\)

This means for a given \(a\), \(b=0\) is a turning point for \(L\) which is \(2\pi a\), the perimeter of a circle of radius \(a\).  This is a local maximum value for \(L\) because,
\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }L }{ db^{ 2 } } =\int _{ 0 }^{ \pi  }{ \cfrac { 2a^{ 2 }sin^{ 2 }(\theta ) }{ (a^{ 2 }+b^{ 2 }-2abcos(\theta ))^{ \cfrac { 3 }{ 2 }  } }  } d\theta \)

When \(b=0\),

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }L }{ db^{ 2 } } =\cfrac{2}{a}\int _{ 0 }^{ \pi  }{sin^{ 2 }(\theta ) }d\theta\)

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }L }{ db^{ 2 } } =\cfrac{1}{a}|^{\pi}_{0}\{\theta-\cfrac{1}{2}sin(2\theta)\}\)

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }L }{ db^{ 2 } } =\cfrac{\pi}{a}\)

Since, \(a<0\), \(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }L }{ db^{ 2 } }<0\) for \(b=0\), \(L\) is a maxima.

When \(b=|a|\), \(L=8a\), when \(b=0\), \(L=2\pi a<8a\) and at \(b=|a|\),\(\cfrac{dL}{db}>0\).  This means there is at least one minimum before \(b=|a|\) so that the curve turns upward again after the maximum at \(b=0\).  So, there is still the possibility of satisfying the positive lift condition.  Hold the gravy.