Friday, August 7, 2015

Sign Issue, Side Issue

\(sin(\theta)\) is still positive on the other side of the center \(O\).  \(\theta\) is always positive, when measured consistently.

From this reason, both \(\small{v_{cir}}\) and \(\small{v_{shm}}\) are negative at the same time.  Where, from the post "Twirl Plus SHM, Spinning Coin" dated 17 Jul 2015,

\(v^{ 2 }_{ cir }=cos(\theta )(x+x_{ z })\left\{ -2{ c^{ 2 } }cos(\theta )ln(cosh(\cfrac { G }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  } x))+\cfrac { \psi _{ d } }{ m }  \right\}\)


\(v^{ 2 }_{ shm }=sin(\theta )(x+x_{ z })\left\{ -2{ c^{ 2 } }cos(\theta )ln(cosh(\cfrac { G }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  } x))+\cfrac { \psi _{ d } }{ m }  \right\}\)

their signs depend on the common term,

\((x+x_{ z })\left\{ -2{ c^{ 2 } }cos(\theta )ln(cosh(\cfrac { G }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  } x))+\cfrac { \psi _{ d } }{ m }  \right\}\)




circular motion is in a plane whose normal at the center of the circular path passes above \(O\), the center of oscillation.  This occurs instantaneously and does not alter the analysis presented.

Have a nice day.