Sunday, August 9, 2015

Cosmetics Attracting Attentions

From the post ""the post "Not Exponential, But Hyperbolic And Positive Gravity!" dated 22 Nov 2014,

\(F_{\rho}=e^{ i3\pi /4 }D\sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } } .tanh\left( \cfrac { { D } }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  }( x-x_o).e^{ i\pi /4 } \right)\)

where we insist that,

\(G=D.e^{ i\pi /4 }\)

is real,

But given,


D can be real.


\(e^{ i\pi /4 }=(e^{ i\pi /2 })^{1/2}=\sqrt{i}\)

that follows from Euler's


An so,



\(h=\cfrac { { D } }{ \sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } }  }( x-x_o)\)


\(e^{ i3\pi /4 }=i^{3/2}=i\sqrt{i}\)

\(F_{\rho}=i\sqrt{i}.D\sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } } .\cfrac{1-e^{-2h\sqrt{i}}}{1+e^{-2h\sqrt{i}}}\)

and if we define,


\(F_{\rho}=\varphi^3.D\sqrt { 2{ mc^{ 2 } } } .\cfrac{1-e^{-2\varphi h}}{1+e^{-2\varphi h}}\)


\(\varphi\) rotates \(45^o\) and \(\varphi^3\) rotates \(135^o\) from the direction of \(x\).

Cosmetics to bring attention to the these two rotations; they have significance, but what?



also has significance; it implies that across two orthogonal dimensions, in place of \(c\) is \(\sqrt{2}c\).  This suggests that if entanglement is the reason for light speed limit, then entanglement is dimension specific, a different type of entanglement occurs along each orthogonal dimension; a different entanglement of the specific energy defining that dimension.  Particles can be limited separately along \(t_c\) where in entanglement with other particles share electrostatic energy, and at the same time limited along \(t_g\) where they share gravitational energy; ditto for \(t_T\).

Since we normally dealt with energy of a particular sort, \(\sqrt{2}c\) has never arise until we cross between orthogonal dimensions.

In space,



And the speed limit we encountered first was,


where \(k\) is a constant, \(c\) light speed.  Three groups of particles entangled separately across three space dimensions with the one particle under observation.

Note: \(\small{\sqrt{3}=1.7320508075688773...}\)  is not rational.  Looking for more significant numbers to \(c\) may just be chasing after the tail of \(\small{\sqrt{3}}\).