Tuesday, August 25, 2015

No \(B\), Speed Alone

Why does total internal reflection occur?

From the post "Wave Front and Wave Back" dated 18 May 2014, a photon was conceptualized as a particle in helical motion,



where \(x_{v1}\),  \(x_{v2}\) are the radii of circular motion in medium 1 and 2 respectively.






when the particle enters into to less dense medium,

\(n_2\lt n_1\)

\(1-\left(\cfrac{n_1}{n_2}\right)^2sin^2(\alpha_1)\lt 0\)

in which case, \(x_{v2}\) is complex and is rotated by \(90^o\) clockwise at the point of ncident,


and \(\alpha_2\) is totally internally reflected.  When



where \(\alpha_c\) is the critical angle.  Unfortunately, the formula is valid only up to \(\alpha_c\).  For incident angle greater than \(\alpha_c\), we know that the ray is reflected,




both angles measured from the normal on medium \(n_1\).

This derivation for total internal reflection considers the relative speeds of the particle in the two mediums alone; \(B\) fields are not involved.  Since, both loops are perpendicular to the ray \(\alpha\) only in the limiting case of \(\theta\to90^o\), the following adjustments are necessary to the values of \(\alpha\) for each of the loop as illustrated,




which indicate that the two loops can be separated (circular polarization\(\to\)linear polarization) when,

since \(\alpha\lt90^o\)






where \(\alpha_{2}^{'}\) has been totally internally reflected.  When \(\theta\to90^o\), the range of \(\alpha\) collapses to a single value \(\alpha_c\), as \(\alpha_{adj}\to\alpha\).