Sunday, August 16, 2015

On Reflection Radar Theory 101

From the post "Turning With The Rest Of Us"  and "More Bending Of Light" both dated 13 Aug 2015,  when


For \(\mu_2\lt\mu_1\),


and \(\mu_2\gt\mu_1\),


The reflected ray, \(\alpha_{2s}\) can be steered by changing \(\mu_2\),


\(\alpha_{2s}\) being reflected by rotating \(-180^o\).



This is important in the case of \(EMW\) where a reflector opposite to an emitting source focuses the radiation behind the source.

In the case of a perfect conductor, \(\alpha_{2p}\) does not exist as there cannot be magnetic fields inside the conductor.  \(\alpha_{2p}\) is absorbed by the conductor; half of the energy in the wave is absorbed.  If \(\theta\) is kept small, the vertical component of  the \(E\) field is small compared to the horizontal component in the direction of travel of the radiation.  This horizontal component attenuates as the wave move into medium of varying \(\varepsilon\); the vertical component remained unchanged.  \(\theta\) should be kept large \(\theta\to90^o\) as \(\alpha_{2s}\) only depends on \(\alpha\), \(\mu_2\) and \(\mu_1\), up to the range over which the horizontal component of \(E\) attenuates completely.  As the wave attenuates, \(\theta\) decreases and is more readily reflected given the incident angle \(\alpha\).

Apart from keeping polarization high, \(\Delta\theta\) dose not effect \(\alpha_{2s}\), the reflected EMW.