Saturday, August 22, 2015

Binomial Dispersion

Absorption and emission along the ray, as Huygens' point source can account for dispersion that is binomial,

where the probability of making a turn of \(\beta=90^o-\theta\) is half.  The intensity of the ray decreases by \(\small{\left(\cfrac{1}{2}\right)^n}\), \(n\) point source away from the direction of the original ray.

\(\theta\) is polarization.

In the case of a laser, when the \(E\) fields are parallel to the direction of the ray, and \(\small{\theta\to90^o}\), there is no dispersion because \(\small{\beta=0}\).

When the \(E\) fields are perpendicular to the direction of the ray \(\small{\theta\to0}\), light has stop propagating forward and has spread in the direction perpendicular to the initial direction of travel.  In this case, \(\small{\beta=90^o}\).

The problem with this view is that the ray attenuates too quickly along the direction of the ray, from point source to point source.  Given any light source, there has to be a spread of \(\small{\theta}\) vales such that light that project forward to considerable distance has \(\small{\theta\approx90^o}\),  \(\small{\beta\approx0}\).