Sunday, August 16, 2015

Looking for Brewster

When we consider,


when \(\theta_1\) is large, such that


Let \(x+90^o=\theta_1-\alpha\) then





When \(\mu _{ 2 }\gt\mu _{ 1 }\), since \(cot(x)\) is a decreasing function,


\(\alpha^{'}_{2s}\gt180^o+\alpha+\Delta \theta\)

Since the \(\alpha^{'}_{2s}\) has been reflected back into medium 1, \(\Delta \theta=0\),


When \(\mu _{ 2 }\lt\mu _{ 1 }\),



We can also have,


when \(\theta_1\) is large, such that


Let \(x+90^o=\theta_1+\alpha\) then





When \(\mu _{ 2 }\gt\mu _{ 1 }\),



Since,  \(\Delta\theta=0\)


\(\alpha^{'}_{2p}\) is reflected back along \(\alpha\)

When \(\mu _{ 2 }\lt\mu _{ 1 }\),



Since,  \(\Delta\theta=0\)


This might seem to be the same results as the post "More Bending Of Light" dated 13 Aug 2015, but the swing of \(\alpha_s\) and \(\alpha_p\) are different,

When \(\mu _{ 2 }\gt\mu _{ 1 }\),  \(\alpha^{'}_{2s}\gt180^o+\alpha\)

When \(\mu _{ 2 }\lt\mu _{ 1 }\),  \(\alpha^{'}_{2s}\lt180^o+\alpha\)

When \(\mu _{ 2 }\gt\mu _{ 1 }\),  \(\alpha^{'}_{2p}\lt\alpha-180^o\)

When \(\mu _{ 2 }\lt\mu _{ 1 }\),  \(\alpha^{'}_{2p}\gt\alpha-180^o\)


When \(\mu_2\gt\mu_1\),  \(\alpha_{2s}\lt-180^o+\alpha\)

When \(\mu_2\lt\mu_1\), \(\alpha_{2s}\gt-180^o+\alpha\)

This cases show the swing of \(\alpha_{2s}\) and \(\alpha_{2p}\) as \(\theta_1\) changed.  There is no Brewster angle here.