Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Speculating While Others Sleep...

Continued from the previous post "Particles In Orbits" dated 18 Oct 2016,


where the lowest energy level coincides with the smallest particle.  In general,


if we argue that given light speed a constant,  angular momentum at light speed increases proportionally with the number of constituent basic particle \(n\).  This makes \(n_{oi}\) from Bohr model coincidental with \(n_{i}\), the number of constituent basic particles.

Which brings us to the emission plots \(n_1=2\) and \(n_1=5\),

When experimental conditions are such that \(n_i\ne n_{oi}\), these two plots will split and emerge as two separate emission lines.  A new line mysteriously appears.

When an appropriate external field is applied the angular momentum of the particle changes in the direction of the field, \(n_i\ne n_{oi}\).

This is not Zeeman effect nor Stark effect.

But an indication of the two processes involved as particles coalesce and break.

Speculating while others sleep...

The problem is \(n_2=80\) is not large enough for the various plots to be on a plateau (approaching an asymptote).  Since, spectra lines are observed only in high energy conditions and we postulate that high energy conditions enables \(n_2\rightarrow large\), then

\(R_{\small{H}}=\cfrac{1}{2\pi a_{\psi\,c}}\)

is still on the chopping block, where

\(\Delta E_{2\rightarrow 1}=h.f_{\psi\,c}\left(\cfrac{1}{\sqrt[3]{n_1}}-\cfrac { 1 }{ (n_{o1 })^{ 2 } }\right)\)

\(\Delta E_{n\rightarrow 1}=h.f_{\psi\,c}\left(\cfrac{1}{\sqrt[3]{n_1}}-\cfrac { 1 }{ (n_{o1 })^{ 2 } }\right)\)


\(\Delta E_{n\rightarrow 2}=h.f_{\psi\,c}\left(\cfrac{1}{\sqrt[3]{n_2}}-\cfrac { 1 }{ (n_{o2 })^{ 2 } }\right)\)

And in a sleep deprived and convoluted way,

\(\Delta E_{2\rightarrow 1}-\Delta E_{n\rightarrow 2}=h.f_{\psi\,c}\left(\cfrac{1}{\sqrt[3]{n_2}}-\cfrac{1}{\sqrt[3]{n_1}}+\cfrac { 1 }{ (n_{o2 })^{ 2 } }-\cfrac { 1 }{ (n_{o1 })^{2 } }\right)\)

Which is really interesting...a transit from energy level \(1\) to a higher level \(n\) and a return to energy level \(2\).  The negative sign here makes the absorption line an emission line.  This is how an absorption spectrum has a parallel emission spectrum!

A collision not of basic particles but atoms that contains the basic particles.  The high energy level state is achieved when the colliding atoms are close together on impact.  As the atoms part after the collision, the transition \(\Delta E_{n\rightarrow 2}\) occurs.
