Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Big To Be?

The emission spectrum is continuous with \(n_2\) large.  As the total energy of the system increases with high electric field or high temperature, \(n_1\) can take on smaller values.  The absorption lines with \(n_1=1\) are distinctive against the background of continuous emission.  How small is \(n_{1}\) to be?


In order to generate a continuous emission spectrum, how big is \(n_2\) to be?

\(n_2=n_{\small{large}}\gt\gt 77\)

How to make \(n_2\) big?  If \(n_2\) is spinning about the center of the particle, will \(n_2\) be big?  The centripetal force acting against a pinch force that pull \(\psi\) away from the particle will allow more \(\psi\) to attach itself to the particle and allows \(n_2\) to increase.
