Monday, May 25, 2015

Stretching Out In Time

This post is wrong.

From the post "The Distribution Of \(\psi\) Again",

 \(\psi=D.ln(r)+C\) since \(E=mc^2\),

we have equivalently,


 where \(m\) is now mass density,

 \(A=\cfrac{D}{c^2}\) and \(B=\cfrac{C}{c^2}\)

 This mass is the neutral mass along a time dimension that serve to define energy via Einstein's \(E=mc^2\) in that time dimension.

The problem is, \(\psi\) is in space but \(m\) is in the time dimension.  Could it be that,


instead.  That \(m\) stretches out in time in a corresponding way as \(\psi\) stretches out in space?  That instead of a simple equivalence relationship we have a transform,


from the space domain (\(r\)) to the time domain (\(t\))?

What would be the significance of such a notion?