Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ripples On Golden Pond

How to find and prove the "ripples" mentioned in the post "Difficult To Correct Oneself"?

Energy in the space dimension is just K.E that manifest as changes in momentum.  Such energy oscillating in 2 space dimensions will result in the particle changing speed along these dimensions.

Brownian motions at the particle level!  More correctly, particles that give a body Brownian motion property, just as a charge particle gives a body charge property.

Which opens up the possibility of damping Brownian motion by manipulating such ripple particles.


Temperature \(T\) is not directly the issue involved, although it seems, decreasing \(T\) reduces vibrations.  Maybe it is possible to achieve an Einstein condensate at room temperature!  Does particles in closer proximity share a common quantum state (not necessarily the lowest) and so coalesce?