Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mistake In \(F\)

The respective posts where this mistake propagates has been changed.

From the post "Opps! Lucky Me", we suggested that,


where \(E\) is the energy in a infinitely thin spheric shell passing through a point \(r\), \(r\) distance from a point particle center. And


is the change in \(E\) along the radial line.

This is again wrong.  This force must be divided by \(4\pi r^2\), as this total force is redistributed over the surface area of the sphere, to obtain \(F\), the force along a radial line.

\(F=-\cfrac{1}{4\pi r^2}\cfrac{d\,E}{d\,r}=-\cfrac{\psi_A}{4\pi r^2}\)

and we have,



\(\psi_A=\psi.4\pi r^2\)

And for \(F\) to have a inverse square law dependence,


This hopefully is the last of the issue.